Downton abbey recaps gay men fashion

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(The race is an 'amateur steeplechase for horses used in hunting, over a set cross-country course,' according to .) Lady Mary's second suitor, Charles Blake, lent a hand in this scheme and thus took a solid lead in the running of the beaus.ĭespite her ultra-modern new hairdo - 'At least she can carry it off,' says her faux French hairdresser, 'most of them look like bald monkeys' - Lady Mary wasn't so modern as to ride astride her horse, going sidesaddle for the point-to-point. She still has two suitors running after her but tried to run off one of them at the point-to-point, making sure Lord Gillingham ran into his ex-fiancée, Mabel Lane Fox, who still loves him.

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I blame the war - before 1914, nobody thought about anything at all.' 'All this endless thinking,' the Dowager Countess said at one point.

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